'(The Blog) With No Name', perhaps best described as a stream of notes and thoughts - 'remembered, recovered and (sometimes) invented'.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Five. And A Break

This blog has just completed Five years and well over 200 posts - an achievement of sorts.

One feels the need for a break, so am putting on hold most activities on this blog. There are still plenty things to talk about but that hopefully can wait till I get back.

My 'blue blog' needs some serious attention; it is not *officially* on a break and I hope to add something to it, soon.

So, Everybody out there, take care and be well!

Update (August 1st): Too many spam comments on this page have forced me to block the lot. In response to a query in the comments (thanks, Geetha), yes, 'The Loop' is indeed being published and will be released in another 2 months. And I shall post on that. Thanks also to Manu and Anand for writing in.